
Because stumbling blindly through menopause is less fun than it sounds

Don’t hate me because I manage to avoid holiday shopping


Okay, go ahead and hate me if you want – I would!

It helps not to have kids. Let’s face it – that’s probably where the majority of you spend your holiday shopping time. And having a very small family helps as well. Don’t get me wrong I have a great family – there just aren’t many of them – and there are no young kids anymore.

With the little family that we do have living half a country away, a lot of our holiday gifts are in the form of things that can be shipped like wine and floral arrangements. My husband and I have agreed to share something for the household – and he will schedule it and get it done.

During the year, when I check out various craft fairs, etc. I purchase trinkets I like that could easily serve as holiday gifts for any of the few women that are in my family.

So all things considered I really only shop for my Mom. And she’s so tough to buy for I do that year round as I find things I think/hope would appeal to her.

The holidays are so crazed. Business is demanding, holiday parties are grueling (whether I attend them or throw them) that perhaps the best present I give myself – is to avoid holiday shopping.

And from a menopausal point-of-view, the thought of traipsing through a department store, or in and out of stores at an outdoor mall sends a shiver of terror up my spine equal to none. Have you ever – in the years since menopause has descended – been on an epic shopping expedition without major hot flash, sweaty, tear your jacket off and fan yourself with your gloves moments? I haven’t.


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In This New Year. Will We Finally Shed Those Unwanted Pounds or Will We Instead Choke Our Jenny Representative to Death? Tough Choice.


As each year draws to a close there are certain traditions that are observed. We enter the holiday season with an eye toward sharing, festivities, thankfulness – and another eye toward moving “out with the old and in with the new.”

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